Think twice

I've had it up to the skies with idiots saying that I didn't even have to work hard to get a good university, suggesting that the sole factor that I got a place was because of my parents' money.

How else am I supposed to get into a university? By walking through the front door? Of course money comes in but no university would blindly accept them without looking at the results.

Yes, my results weren't pretty but they met the criteria uphold by the school. Suggesting that I would blindly get a degree by simply paying for admissions is as clever as saying you get food by paying for it.

What did I do to deserve such idiots hovering by me? I'm not one to judge but obviously the culprit for your own shitty results is yourself. At least I had the brains to try and redeem myself by doing better on in medical school instead of nitpicking at those who pisses you off for the one reason that they're better than you.

And I see it too when these same people would say shit sarcastically like "lucky that you're so smart to get into... " to the ones that got straight a's or something.

Now you're suggesting that the only way to get into a university somehow, is by waiting and complaining at every single thing that pisses you off?

These people needs to be sterilised so that their prejudice-tic bigotry is passed down from generation to generation.

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